Humans value interacting with killer whales. There are many ways to observe them, learn and wonder about them, and ultimately help protect them:
- observe them from land by traversing The Whale Trail;
- watch them on webcams at the Center for Whale Research or Race Rocks;
- listen to them with live hydrophones in their summer home range;
- read and report about them by joining the Orca Network;
- watch them from a “whale-wise” boat (one that follows the Be Whale Wise guidelines and laws);
- support SoundWatch and other stewardship activities of The Whale Museum by adopting an orca or becoming a museum member.
You can even help study the southern resident killer whales by:
- monitoring their acoustic environment through the Salish Sea hydrophone network;
- contributing location data for the southern resident killer whales (coming soon);
- applying to conduct your own research through the Beam Reach Marine Science and Sustainability School.

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